недеља, 24. мај 2009.

Marilyn Manson govori o 'Arma-Goddamn-Motherf*ckin-Geddon' video klipu

With a song titled 'Arma-Goddamn-Motherf*ckin-Geddon,' it would appear that the last thing controversial rocker Marilyn Manson is doing is placating his record company and a playing nicey-nice with a mainstream outlet like MTV. Despite the profanity-laden lyrics, Manson's longtime label Interscope chose the crunchy yet hooky tune as the lead video track. "The record company takes what I do and sells it, and I have to separate myself from it now," Manson, who hasn't gone soft, told Noisecreep. "I filmed this video with around 30 or 40 cameras, but what appears in the video is [footage from] only two cameras, and mostly from one main camera. But my idea was to film everything. I was pandering to the idea that a record company is going to release a song into the world that is titled 'Arma-Goddamn-F*ckin-Geddon.'"
Manson also claimed that the song, inspired by an instance where he was driving to the studio and witnessed a 'ruckus' with the police, has a very intentional "Adam Ant/Gary Glitter throwback vibe" in what the singer describes as a "new" way, thanks in no small part to his recent reunion with bassist/guitarist and friend Twiggy Ramirez. "Twiggy came up with what he referred to as a Spaghetti Western slide guitar part," Manson recalled. He also said, "With this video, I didn't want put heart and soul into it and have the pieces that mattered most to me be shaved away and censored. I specifically intended for it to fit within a category, with the colors and lyrics. I had 30 cameras filming, not in documentary sense, but in a [Federico] Fellini sense. I want to release the 30-camera angle version, too."

Manson also acknowledged the inherent comedy of the song, which contains a whole lot of 'f' bombs, which require censoring in exchange for airplay. "People say it'd be so great if it didn't have so many f*cks in it," Manson commented. "It would be great? Who says, 'I want less f*cks?' No one says that. No one is f*ckless."

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